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B2B  marketingu, prodeje, managementu a řízení

Prozradíme Vám tajemství B2B marketingu, které zvýší Vaše prodeje až o stovky procent





Kotva Wokshopy

Pro marketingové a obchodní ředitele, procesní manažery, jednatele, majitele firem a pro všechny, kteří řeší B2B prodej, vnitřní a vnější komunikaci, řízení obchodních zástupců, firemní management a řízení firem.


Nezáleží na tom, zda jste obchodní, výrobní, administrativní, outsourcingová nebo servisní firma v segmentu B2B.

Z důvodu osobního přístupu je počet omezen max. počtem 50 účastníků.

Thursday 4/4/2024

8:00 / 9:00 až 16:00

Hlavní témata

Místo konání

A. National Technical Library in Prague, Technická 2710/6, Prague 6,

Shipping: subway stationAnd Dejvická, parking in the building's garage at a price of 25/hour. and parking spaces in the surrounding streets.

Duration: all-day event for two groups
1. morning for sales representatives
(and for marketing directors, executives and business owners)
2. afternoon for marketing directors, executives and owners of firem.
According to the content of the workshop below, carefully consider whether your sales representatives also participate in the afternoon program
 intended more for managers of companies. 


Workshop program

8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m

Registration of participants and breakfast
Registration, participant card, mat collectionaerials, broakfast, coffeeand ndrinks

9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m

Mostmore mistakes in B2B marketing and sales
Dear sales representatives,
we are not professional specialists in your field to sell your products and services. That's your job, sales reps. But we are a B2B communication business agency and for more than 17 years we have been looking for target groups, calling companies, "pushing" competent people in functions, we offer products and services, arrange meetings and provide complete communication and assistance support in all areas of the B2B segment. Thanks to hundreds of implemented campaigns and projects, we have gained invaluable experience in a wide range of communication and sales, which we want to pass on to you at our workshop through training, so that jyou were even more efficient and successful.
We are in the same boat as you and we know what worries you as a sales representative, why many of you do not want to use CRM and how difficult it is for you to close sales these days. Thanks to hundreds of campaigns and close personal cooperation with our clients and especially with sales representatives, we also know the mistakes you make. We've already proven that by naming and eliminating these mistakes, you'll increase your sales, and in many cases, you'll even be able to sell your products and services at higher prices than your competition. 
Through our three-hour training, we will reveal what principles of business B2B communication sales representatives violate and demonstrate to you with concrete examples of e-mailing, social networks, phone calls, online and face-to-face meetings, how these violations literally end your sales before they even begin. In addition to the list of errors in
and we will teach you how to use our secret know-how of successful business communication and show vI have a more efficient and faster sales life cycle than you know yet. Our solution inwill save a large amount of administrative and routine work, will allow vto manage a much larger number of negotiated clients more simply and clearly and complete sales faster and with greater profit.

chal Vacto, specialist on businessfrom communication, CEO Český marketing s.r.o.
Jana Vondrušková: director and communications supervisor
him centers

1:45 p.m. to 2:00 p.m

Refreshment break.

10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m

Formation of business teams, contractual relations, management and controlling of sales representatives
One thingamong the most difficult topics we will tackle is recruitment, contractual relations, management, controlling and Business Intelligence of sales representatives. Get ready for discussion, transfer of experiencethose, perhaps sharp exchanges of opinions and proposed solutions from Czech Marketing, which may help you solve this issue. It will definitely be worth it.
Michal Vacek, business communication specialist, CEO of Český marketing s.r.o.

10:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m

Refreshment break.

13:00 to 13:45

Golden grayl of the performance sales life cycle
The goal of businessí communication is SELL. Our Goldenthe grail of the sales lifecycle  will help you communicate and complete sales much more efficiently and quickly than before. We will teach you, for example, how to negotiate an agreement you can only in chfairy when you went through the given communication processes (principles of business communication)and when the client is ready obdcut and accept your price and order.
Michal Vacek, specialist in
business communication, executive Český marketing s.r.o.

10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m

Formation of business teams, contractual relations, management and controlling of sales representatives
One thingamong the most difficult topics we will tackle is recruitment, contractual relations, management, controlling and Business Intelligence of sales representatives. Get ready for discussion, transfer of experiencethose, perhaps sharp exchanges of opinions and proposed solutions from Czech Marketing, which may help you solve this issue. It will definitely be worth it.
Michal Vacek, business communication specialist, CEO of Český marketing s.r.o.

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m

Lunch and drinks buffet.

14:00 to 16:00
with a break

B2B automation, IA and Business Intelligence
While others only talk about it, Czech Marketing already has the most modern a business system that includes the functions of automation, artificial intelligence and Business Intelligence. We'll show you the features that separate and startthey also connect marketing and sales so that these two parts work together perfectly, communicate, generate maximum results together and, above all, to reduce andž 90% of work and time to sales representatives, without violating personal relationships with the companypublic servants. Our innovative functionalities were developed on the basis of the business experience of real business communication and acquisition campaign implementers and were implemented into them not only our Golden Grail of the sales life cycle, but also all our communication, administrative, control and business processes of the innovative concept of B2B marketing and sales. So if you are looking for inspiration and an even better solution to work operations and business activities of B2B sales, you will be at the right place at the right time at our workshop!

And if you like our features? You can try their use in one of our services, you can connect them to your CRM or you can simply and quickly switch to our entire business system and get them all.

And if you're looking for even more, we have a whole platform for you with additional modules for top management of all parts of your be companyregardless of whether you are a commercial, manufacturing, administrative or service company. So register as soon as possible and come and have a look!
Lecturer: Michal Vacek, business communication specialist, CEO of Český marketing s.r.o.

9:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m

Refreshment break.

11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m

Innovative communication functionce, automation and IA in CRM for sales representatives
"To love your CRM"
The goal of all services and activities of Czech Marketing is that you, the sales representatives, do as few unnecessary and time-consuming and psychologically demanding business operations as possible! The duties of sales representatives also include constant writing, tasking, marking, delegating, communicating and similar activities that burden you, delay you, and because of which many of you do not want to use CRM or use it with displeasure. We will show you innovative features of administrative, communication and process automation and artificial intelligence that will save up to 90% of your administrative time and help you make more meetings, more deals and generate more profits with less work. Everything is possible if you really want it.


Michal Vacek, business communication specialist, CEO of Český marketing s.r.o.

9:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m

Refreshment break.

14:00 to 16:00
with a break

B2B automation, IA and Business Intelligence
While others only talk about it, Czech Marketing already has the most modern a business system that includes the functions of automation, artificial intelligence and Business Intelligence. We'll show you the features that separate and startthey also connect marketing and sales so that these two parts work together perfectly, communicate, generate maximum results together and, above all, to reduce andž 90% of work and time to sales representatives, without violating personal relationships with the companypublic servants. Our innovative functionalities were developed on the basis of the business experience of real business communication and acquisition campaign implementers and were implemented into them not only our Golden Grail of the sales life cycle, but also all our communication, administrative, control and business processes of the innovative concept of B2B marketing and sales. So if you are looking for inspiration and an even better solution to work operations and business activities of B2B sales, you will be at the right place at the right time at our workshop!

And if you like our features? You can try their use in one of our services, you can connect them to your CRM or you can simply and quickly switch to our entire business system and get them all.

And if you're looking for even more, we have a whole platform for you with additional modules for top management of all parts of your be companyregardless of whether you are a commercial, manufacturing, administrative or service company. So register as soon as possible and come and have a look!
Lecturer: Michal Vacek, business communication specialist, CEO of Český marketing s.r.o.

15:45 až 16:00+

Diskuze, ukončení a volná zábava.

Systém managementu a obchodu
Zlatý grál
Chyby obchdoních zástupců
Řízení obchodních zástupců

Michal Vacek: jednatel a majitel společnosti Český marketing s.r.o.
Specialista na B2B komunikaci a prodej, který vytváří, implementuje a řídí B2B prodejní kampaně, k čemuž využívá více jak 20 leté zkušenosti nejen projektového manažera, GIS specialisty, ale především praktického realizátora stovek B2B kampaní v nejrůznějších firemních oborech svých zákazníků. Díky tomu má široký přehled, jak se v české republice B2B prodej dělá, jaké problémy firmy v prodeji řeší a jakých chyb se stále dokola dopouštějí marketingoví a obchodní ředitelé a zejména obchodní zástupci.

Jana Vondrušková: z důvodu nemoci nebude přítomna, bude pasivně připojena. Supervizorka, koučka a lektor B2B komunikačního telemarketingu ve společnosti Český marketing s.r.o. Dozvíte se, proč je tato profesionálka často chválena v referencích naší společnosti.

Jakub Greš: manažer kyberbezpečnosti společnosti
Brilliant World s.r.o. /

Tomáš Havrda: specialista na firemní architekturu pro řízení firem, která je základem každého procesního řízení firem např. v systémech CRM a firemního managementu.


Český marketing is a direct marketing and communication agency that over the past 17 years has implemented hundreds of successful tailor-made acquisition campaigns, implemented quite a few data and business systems, and over the past 7 years has become a leader in generating leads, addressing and arranging personal and online meetings and in complete outsourcing of the B2B segment. Thanks to many years of experience and our abilities, we have a comprehensive, perfect and objective overview of the ratio of needs and disinterests of the B2B market and the real effectiveness of acquisitions in a wide range of products and services in various fields. All the acquired experience will be passed on to you not only by professionals from the Czech marketing agency, but also by our carefully selected and tested contractual partners, whose services and products are directly related to B2B marketing and sales.

Workshop topic

On thisworkshop you will receive a complete and comprehensive package of practical information, opinions and examples from obtaining and communicating with cold leads, through effective communication with them, to closing the sale, from people who do not make a living from consulting, selling courses, training and books, but from professionals , who implement client acquisitions and B2B marketing and sales directly in practice. You have an extraordinary opportunity to get information, channels, tools, solutions, practical experience, secrets and know-how knowledge on the subjectB2B communication and sales channels, principles of business communication, management of sales representatives and management of acquisitions.

But that's not all!

Over the course of our activity, we have tested many acquisition communication channels and tools at our own expense in order to select only those that really work with the highest efficiency of end-to-end outreach and sales. These were, for example, social networks, email marketing, podcasts, chatbots,  PPC, SEO, etc. We will introduce you to the most effective tools that have been tried and tested and connect new options in your head to choose your sales strategies. Our workshop thus becomes an information channel, training and acquisition of unique know-how of effective sales in the B2B segment. At our workshop, we will also present new functions of communication and sales automation and artificial intelligence in B2B marketing and sales, which are implemented not only in our application business module, but also in other modules of our IT platform for managing all parts of the companyberegardless of whether you are a commercial, manufacturing, administrative or service company.

Snacks and food

The workshop will include a buffet lunch and a morning and afternoon coffee break with refreshments.

Cena workshopu

Price and conditions of registration

Entrance fee for one person:

  • Discount indegree for one person when paying until 31 December 2023: CZK 3,000

  • All-day entrance fee for one person upon paymentfrom 01.01.2024: CZK 5,000

  • Discount indegree fee only for the morning program paymentuntil 31.12.2023: CZK 2,500 / only for the afternoon program CZK 2,500

  • Entrance fee only for the morning program paymentfrom 01.01.2024: CZK 3,500 / only for the afternoon program CZK 3,500

Tickets are intended only for employees of the customer's ID number and are not transferable to another entity of the ID number without the consent of the organizer.

Included in the price: selected lectures by the organizer and partners of Český marketing in the form of a workshop, hall rental, refreshments, lunch, changing room.
Czech Marketing s.r.o. will not publish workshop participants for competitive reasons.
They will not be admitted to this event competing companies and individualsy Czech Marketing in the widest spectrum of marketing services, e.g. training providers, consultants, suppliers of marketing services, etc.
Recording and recording by participants is strictly prohibited for reasons of protection of personal data and business information.
By participating in the workshop, the participant agrees to the recording of video-audio recordings by the organizer only for promotional purposes and to transfer the recordings directly to the workshop participants.

Samples from Czech Marketing events


Registrace na workshop

After sending the registration, the organizer will send you an advance invoice for reimbursement. After payment, the registration becomes valid and the final invoice will be sent to you. You can add the number of participants until 03/04/2024 12:00 p.m. Later fromdisturbedí registration is subject to payment  cancellation fee in the amount of 50% of price  participant. We will answer all questions regarding the workshop and topics on the phone603 114 663.


In case of any question, contact us at 603114663!

Vaše registrace byla odeslaná. Děkujeme!

By sending the registration, the user - the operator gives consent to the processing of his personal data entered as part of the registration for the purpose of processing it. In accordance with §7 paragraph 3 of Act no. 480/2004 Coll. on some services of the information society and with Prain accordance with the regulations for the protection of personal data of the Czech Republic and the European Union, the operator is entitled to send commercial communications regarding the products and services of Český marketing s.r.o. to this email address. The user has the option to revoke this consent at any time free of charge by replying to the commercial message in the required format. 

Czech Marketing s.r.o. hereby informs the entity that filled in and sent the completed data form about the method, scope and purpose of processing its personal data in accordance with Act No. 110/2019 Coll., the Act on the Processing of Personal Data and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. You can find more information about what your rights are and how you can exercise them on the website of the operator in the section Data protection / GDPR. We are obliged to process your request for handling questions about the processing of personal data without delay, no later than one month from its delivery.

All personal data are confidential, will be used only for the internal needs of our company, and will not be published, provided to a third party or misused in any way.

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